ZigaForm version 7.4.3
  • Call Us Today! 480.818.6370 480.809.4644

Process Service to Arizona Registered Agents, CT Corp and CSC also known as Corporation Service Company. When it comes to service of process our process servers are some Arizona’s most knowledgeable and experienced servers in the process serving industry. We realize and understand the importance of getting it right whether serving your court papers to a business, corporation or LLC. It makes no difference to us because our process servers always abide by Arizona rules of Civil Procedures and understand the importance of serving the correct entity whether an Officer, Member or Manager at the correct location. Our process servers will always ensure that service is done correct the first time and if necessary we will call you from the field to ensure accuracy of information. When documents are received we will verify the correct name, address and other options for service to avoid wasting your valuable time and money. All serves to CT Corp or CSC are usually served within 48 hours or less. However, we also offer same day or guarantee next day service for an additional fee.

Our process servers are licensed through the Arizona Supreme Court and meets or exceeds the highest standards in the industry. We follow a very simple rule when it comes to doing business which is, ” put yourself in the customer’s place.” To get started fax, mail, email or drop your papers off at one of our convenient process server offices. We have locations throughout the Phoenix metro area with offices in Mesa, Chandler, Tempe, Gilbert and Scottsdale AZ. If our clients are unsure of a Arizona business entity name or address for service in we can help. And finally after personally serving your legal documents we will call you to confirm service and complete the Affidavit or Proof of Service and email a copy to you and file a copy with the court on your behalf.

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